There are so many animals in pain and suffering at the hands of people who just don’t care. For those that can get away they then face a life on the streets alone.
But for those lucky ones who are rescued it’s so good to see them recover, regain that happy glint in their eye and even better: find the loving forever home that they deserve.
To see all that must be thanks enough to those animal lovers who rescue them from a bad situation. But for one rescuer she got a thank you that moved her to tears.

This sweet puppy had endured a neglected life chained up outside.
An animal lover freed him from his chains and put him in her pick up truck to take him to a life of freedom.
When the puppy realizes that he’s safe he relaxes and starts to fall asleep. The woman comforts him and it’s as though he’s never experienced a kind human touch before and is so responsive.
Then, he puts a paw on the rescuer’s arm as if to tell her thank you.
When the rescuer sees what the dog is doing, she can’t stop crying and then he tries to get closer to her to comfort her.
See the dog’s beautiful reaction in the video below, but get your tissues ready!
This dog is so grateful to be free from his unhappy life. Now he’s been given a second chance.