Well, you know, for now I’ve got a job as a cleaner at a firm. The work isn’t dusty, but the pay is as expected. At least I have time to think about where to go next, – Nikolay replied with a slight smirk as he observed the girls’ reactions.
Inga, clearly disappointed, immediately lost interest in him and shifted her attention to other restaurant patrons. But Sofia, on the contrary, became intrigued by his modesty and sincerity. She smiled gently and asked:
– So, what exactly do you want to do next? Do you have any plans?
Kolya, sensing that the conversation might become interesting, decided to reveal a little bit of his secret, but not too much:
– I do have plans, of course. But for now, I’m mostly observing, studying. You know the saying – to build something, you first need to understand what the foundation is built on. So I decided to start from the very bottom, so that later, if luck is on my side, I can rise higher.
Sofia nodded as if she understood him:
– That’s wise. Many people want everything all at once, only to end up disappointed. And you, it seems, are a patient person.
– Well, not without reason, – Nikolay replied modestly, feeling that his strategy was starting to work. – And you, Sofia, what do you do?
The girl explained that she works as an interior designer, but dreams of opening her own small studio. The conversation dragged on, and Kolya, to his surprise, found that he was genuinely interested in this calm and intelligent girl. Inga, realizing that her friend had become captivated by the new acquaintance, soon found an excuse to leave, leaving them alone.
The evening flew by unnoticed. Despite his initial caution, Nikolay felt that Sofia was the kind of person with whom one could be sincere. They agreed to meet again, and as Kolya walked home, he caught himself thinking that, for the first time in a long while, he felt truly happy.
The next day, Nikolay resumed his duties as a cleaner with renewed energy. He carefully observed the employees, memorizing their habits, manner of communication, and even the small details that might reveal more about them. Nellie Vasilievna, the head of the HR department, periodically checked on his work, but seeing that he was doing well, she left him be.
However, a few days later Kolya noticed something strange. One of the managers, a young guy named Artyom, was acting extremely suspiciously. He often stayed late at the office, and when he thought no one was watching, he was copying some files onto a flash drive. Nikolay, deciding not to jump to conclusions, continued his observation.
One evening, when the office was almost empty, Artyom again stayed late. Kolya, pretending to be busy cleaning, discreetly followed him. Suddenly, the director’s office door opened, and out came none other than Nikolay himself, no longer in the role of a cleaner but in his true capacity. Artyom, seeing him, turned pale and tried to say something, but his words got stuck in his throat.
– Artyom, – Nikolay said calmly but firmly, – I think it’s time we talked. I’m curious about what exactly you’re copying onto that flash drive and to whom you’re sending it.
The young man, realizing he’d been caught red-handed, hung his head:
– I… I didn’t mean to… I was forced to…
– Who forced you? – asked Nikolay, without raising his voice.
Trembling, Artyom admitted that one of the company’s competitors was blackmailing him, threatening to expose his past mistakes. Nikolay, after listening, sighed:
– Artyom, I understand that you’re in a difficult situation. But you should have come to me or someone in management. We could have found a way out. Now, however, you’ll have to resign. But I’m giving you a chance to redeem yourself. If you help us identify who’s behind this, I promise your reputation will not be tarnished.
Relieved, Artyom nodded in agreement. Returning to his office, Nikolay pondered. He realized that his little ruse as a cleaner had helped him not only to learn the company from the inside but also to uncover hidden issues. Now he had to not only manage the business but also restore order among the staff.
Meanwhile, his relationship with Sofia was developing. They met more and more often, and Kolya, despite his apprehensions, began to trust her. One evening, while walking in the park, he decided to tell her the truth about himself.
– Sofia, I have to tell you something, – he began, nervously running his hand through his hair. – I’m not just a cleaner. Actually, I’m the owner of the company where I work.
Instead of being surprised or upset, Sofia laughed:
– I knew you were hiding something! But I like that you decided to be honest. It means you trust me.
Kolya, breathing a sigh of relief, smiled:
– Yes, I trust you. And I’m glad you didn’t judge me.
From that moment on, their relationship grew even stronger. Nikolay finally felt that he had found not only his place in life but also the person with whom he wanted to share his future.
A few months passed. Thanks to his unconventional approach, Nikolay managed not only to streamline the company’s operations but also to take it to a new level. He no longer hid; he led openly, earning the respect of his employees. Inspired by his success, Sofia also decided to take a risk and opened her own studio, which quickly became popular.
Nikolay’s parents, seeing that their son had found himself and found happiness, stopped worrying. Varvara Andreevna even joked that perhaps soon they would become grandparents.
Nikolay, looking at his life, realized that everything he had been through was necessary. His adventure as a cleaner, the hardships, and disappointments – all of it had led him to what he had now. And he was grateful to fate for every lesson it had taught him.
– As a cleaner, – Nikolay replied, trying to keep a serious expression, even though inside he found it amusing how Inga reacted.
A broad smile slid off the girl’s face, replaced by a crooked smirk. She squinted, clearly not believing his words:
– Wait, seriously? Cleaners don’t work in restaurants like this. Come on, confess – who are you really?
Nikolay, realizing that his story had begun to unravel, decided to adjust it a bit to make it sound more plausible:
– Well, to be precise, I work for a cleaning service. Yes, the position isn’t the most prestigious, but the workplace is interesting. Want to guess where?
– Inga, stop asking him questions, – Sofia tried to stop her friend softly, but Inga had already moved on.
– Come on, don’t keep us waiting! Where do you work? Surely not at Gazprom? – the blonde asked sarcastically.
Nikolay named a company that was well known in the city and even beyond. However, that did little to impress Inga. She deflated, losing all interest in him, and soon declared:
– Oh, Sonya, I completely forgot! I’m expecting a delivery today. Are you coming with me?
Nikolay, fully aware of what had caused such a sudden change in mood, suppressed a smirk and offered:
– Ladies, allow me to pay the bill and see you out.
Such generosity softened Inga a bit, and she began to flirt again, though without her earlier enthusiasm. When the taxi arrived at her home, she flounced out of the car, swaying her hips as if trying to make a final impression.
When the car stopped at Sofia’s house, Kolya decided not to miss the chance:
– Sofia, may I have your phone number? I hardly know anyone in this city, and I’d be glad if you agreed to go out with me.
The girl smiled and shrugged:
– Why not? Jot it down and call me when you have time.
Two weeks later, Sofia told Inga that she was dating Nikolay. The blonde was in shock:
– Sonya, seriously? With a cleaner? That’s just too much!
– What’s wrong with that? He’s well-mannered and interesting. I’m not planning to get married right away. It’s just pleasant company, – Sofia replied calmly.
– No, I just don’t understand you. It’s like some kind of Spanish shame! – Inga lamented.
Sofia, unable to take it any longer, sharply retorted:
– Oh, shut up! I enjoy being with Kolya. And you know, as soon as one guy shows interest, the others follow. It’s better than sitting alone.
Inga felt hurt, thinking that the last remark was aimed at her, and coldly said goodbye:
– As you wish! Just don’t tell everyone that your boyfriend is a pauper. Bye!
Meetings between Sofia and Nikolay became more frequent, but the girl was in no hurry to get too close, believing that it might diminish her value in a man’s eyes. Nikolay, in turn, did not press, feeling that such restraint only added to Sofia’s appeal.
One day during a walk Kolya asked:
– Sofia, what’s your education?
The girl wrinkled her nose slightly:
– My parents insisted I study economics, although I always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. I now run a fashion blog, but it’s more for passion; it doesn’t bring in much money.
Taking advantage of the moment, Nikolay suggested:
– Listen, I heard that the firm where I work is looking for a deputy director of HR. I think you’d be perfect for the role. If you want, I can find out where to send your resume.
Although Sofia was secretly delighted by the prospect, she pretended to agree reluctantly:
– Well, why not? I’ll give it a try.
After parting from Nikolay more tenderly than usual, Sofia, once home, immediately called Inga:
– Imagine, I might get hired at the same firm where Kolya works! And not just any position – a high one!
– Oh, Sonya, don’t believe him. How can a cleaner set you up somewhere? He just wants to seduce you, – Inga replied skeptically.
– And don’t be jealous, – snapped Sofia, ending the conversation.
Unaware that she was executing an order from the actual owner of the company, Nellie Vasilievna sent Sofia a notification for an interview for the deputy director position, but with a mandatory two-month internship.
Upon receiving the letter, Sofia was over the moon with happiness. When meeting Nikolay, she showered him with kisses:
– Kolya, my sunshine! I got the job! I start tomorrow. It’s just an incredible stroke of luck!
However, she didn’t mention that she got the position thanks to Nikolay. That bothered him a bit, especially when Sofia asked:
– Just, please, Kolya, don’t tell anyone that we know each other.
He suppressed a bitter smile and nodded:
– Of course, subordination and all that.
– You’re such a smarty! – Sofia exclaimed as she kissed him enthusiastically.
After Sofia’s employment, she seemed to forget about Nikolay. She reconciled with Inga so she’d have someone to go shopping with, and during one of those outings, she shared her plans:
– I’ll settle into this job, and then I’ll sort out my personal life. I’ll find myself a rich man.
– And what about Kolya? – asked Inga.
– Why would I need a cleaner? I have so many opportunities now, it’s just wow!
– Well, good for you, – Inga approved. – Just don’t forget about me, okay? We’re best friends!
Nikolay noticed how Sofia’s attitude towards him had changed. She pretended not to know him and even publicly rebuked him a couple of times. He endured it, hoping that she would come to her senses, but in vain.
Sofia quickly found a common language with the Deputy Commercial Director and the head of HR. Unpleasant changes began in the company: a fine system was introduced, and Sofia started to actively influence personnel decisions.
Observing all this, Nikolay understood that his experiment as a cleaner had produced unexpected results. Now he had not only to restore order in the company but also to deal with those who, taking advantage of their positions, began to dismantle what he had worked so hard to build.
Kolya remained calm as he noticed Inga in the office corridor. The girl walked past, demonstratively ignoring his presence. Soon, other of Sonya’s friends appeared, turning work hours into a continuous stream of gossip over a cup of tea.
On a phone call, Kolya shared his observations with his father:
– It’s amazing to see the metamorphosis of such a modest girl. Beneath her angelic exterior lies a completely different person.
– Power is a serious test that not everyone can handle gracefully, – agreed Sergey Leonidovich.
– The worst is that so many people are drawn to that kind of power. Idlers who fawn over Sonya flourish, while the real workers are forced to shoulder all the burden.
– Alas, such a picture is all too common, – his father sighed. – Are you not planning to reveal your true cards? I think the time has come!
– Just a little longer. I want to observe one of the trainee managers.
– Be careful, Kolya! The longer you delay, the harder it will be to fix things!
– Alright, Dad. Say hi to Mom for me! – he hurriedly ended the conversation.
His reflections were not in vain. The day before, he had witnessed an unpleasant episode. Sofia was reprimanding a trainee:
– Viktoria! The lack of a dress code is only temporary. I’m working on uniforms for the staff! You represent the company, and your appearance leaves much to be desired!
Later, Kolya himself was reprimanded:
– Why is the floor wet? How many times do I have to repeat the rules about cleanliness and safety?
Watching what was happening, Nikolay had several times wanted to reveal himself, but he wondered just how far Sofia would go with her cronies and who among the staff was worth keeping.
Vika was different from the others. One day she handed him a package:
– Here. These materials are perfect for cleaning. They absorb moisture quickly.
To his surprise, the gift turned out to be effective. That evening, Kolya caught up with the girl at a bus stop:
– Where did you learn so much about cleaning?
– In the mornings, I clean apartments; in the evenings, I clean entrances. My mom is ill and I need money for her treatment, – Viktoria explained sadly.
The next morning he brought her some apples:
– My parents sent these. Homegrown, very tasty.
The girl blushed but accepted the gift.
Gradually, Kolya began to drive Viktoria home. During one ride, she admitted:
– Kolya, I accidentally found out about the plans of Sofia Semyonovna and her deputy. They are planning a financial scam to bankrupt the company and sell it to competitors for a pittance. How can we alert the director?
– Don’t worry. I’ll make sure the information reaches the right people.
In the midst of critical negotiations, Nikolay entered the office:
– Enough, Sofia. The game is over.
– How dare you?! Get out before I call security! – she shrieked.
After Kolya introduced himself, silence fell over the office.
– Sofia, you’re fired. I’m appointing Viktoria in your place. Nellie Vasilievna will also be leaving the HR department. All the documents will be processed tomorrow.
Sofia decided to take revenge. Managing to obtain Viktoria’s mother’s phone number, she called:
– Tamara Petrovna, this is the lab calling. We’ve received your test results.
– What’s wrong?
– The results are bad. You can’t afford to be sick right now. Even a cold could be fatal.
– How much time do I have left?
– No more than a month, judging by a similar case.
Her malicious scheme worked. Tamara Petrovna was hospitalized. Viktoria, learning of this at work, barely held back her tears and turned to the director…
– My mom was rushed to the hospital – her blood pressure shot up… May I go see her?
– Of course. Let me drive you, alright?
Viktoria accepted the offer, and despite her dejected state, explained:
– It’s extremely dangerous for my mom to be in the hospital. She has many ailments, but the most serious is that she needs a bone marrow transplant. We’re looking for a donor, but so far, no luck.
Nikolay was taken aback:
– Can’t you be the donor?
The girl answered shyly:
– I’d do anything for my mom, but I can’t help here. Not out of fear. My mom adopted me. She hoped for a miracle that my test results would match. But no. You understand, Nikolay, it’s awful – to feel utterly helpless. The donor bank is small, and the waiting list is huge. Even if a suitable donor is found, there’s no guarantee that the operation will be performed on my mom rather than on someone who pays.
So moved by her sorrow, Nikolay spontaneously offered:
– Listen, call me “you.” And you know what? I’m ready to take the test too, just in case. Just tell me where to go and whom to contact. Perhaps our parameters will match, at least partially.
– Of course! I’ll write down everything in detail: where to go, whom to contact. I’m ready to seize any chance.
Nikolay encouraged her with a firm handshake:
– Keep hoping for the best!
The test results astonished Nikolay. It turned out that he could indeed be a donor for Viktoria’s mother. The doctor’s medical terminology was complicated, but eventually the specialist explained:
– Based on certain indicators, it is possible to confidently say that there is a clear familial relationship between you and the potential recipient.
Shocked, Kolya politely said goodbye to the doctor. The information seemed too incredible. He wanted to call his parents, but suddenly fear struck him. What if there was an error, and there was no relation at all? Why then disturb his parents?
Kolya knew that Viktoria was anxiously awaiting news. Sitting on a bench, he called the girl, briefly conveyed the positive result, and asked for permission to come over. He didn’t want to discuss such complex matters over the phone.
– Oh, Kolya, thank you so much for the good news! I’m at the pharmacy right now; I’ll be home in about an hour, but please come over – my mom will be very happy!
And so it happened. When Nikolay pressed the door intercom button, the door opened immediately. Evidently, Viktoria had already shared the happy news. Perhaps Tamara Petrovna was watching from the window, ready to greet her potential savior. A joyful voice sounded:
– Kolya, hello! Please come in!
The lady was bustling about in the kitchen, offering refreshments, but Kolya refused and immediately got down to the serious conversation.
– You already know the good news, but I have an unexpected question. The doctor mentioned that there is a close blood relation between us. I was so shocked that I forgot to ask – is there any chance of an error?
Tamara Petrovna gasped. She covered her mouth with her hand, reached out to Kolya, then quickly withdrew as if afraid of causing pain.
Sitting down on a chair, the woman fell silent for a while, gathering her strength, then in a hoarse voice said:
– I don’t think there’s been an error. I feel both joy and shame at the same time. It seems you are my son, whom I once betrayed… Many years ago, when I was a freshman, I came from a small village where my aunt raised me to the big city, convinced that I had found my happiness. When a handsome cadet showed interest in me, my head spun. But that magical fairy tale quickly turned into a sad story. As soon as he found out about the pregnancy, he declared that it was entirely my problem. Of course, that doesn’t excuse me, but I was young and foolish. I spent countless sleepless nights wondering what to do, yet every option seemed worse than the last.
In the end, I barely passed my exams. Many professors pitied me and gave me automatic grades. My dormitory roommates all left for their homes, and I, left alone, prepared for the birth. I was terrified of public exposure, didn’t want to go to the hospital. I disinfected a pair of scissors, ironed the swaddling cloths on both sides as someone had advised, gathered everything, and went to one of my classmate’s summer cottages. I knew the cottage was occupied and where the key was hidden. I also knew that the family had gone abroad for vacation. When the contractions started, I tried not to cry out. I don’t know where I found the strength and knowledge of what to do, but a beautiful baby was born – you, Kolya. I swaddled you as best as I could. I rested a little. I carefully put you away. I decided to return to the dormitory. I thought of asking to stay there at least as a maintenance worker. I understood that the chances of raising you well were almost none. On my way back, I saw – the cottage was occupied. Light was on in a room, and through the uncurtained window I saw a young couple. I don’t know how I mustered the courage, but in desperation, I sneaked to the gate. I placed you on the doorstep and threw a small stone through the window. I hoped that you’d at least be taken to the children’s hospital, and I quickly left the area. After all, it was peak season, and who would notice. I reached the dormitory and spent several years living in fear, expecting punishment for what I had done, but retribution never came.
I finished my studies, earned my diploma, and not a day passed without thoughts of you. Later I got married, but couldn’t conceive children. The ordeal of a home birth and refusal of medical help came back to haunt me – fate punished me for abandoning you. I argued with my husband for a long time, but eventually, I decided to adopt a child from an orphanage. I wanted to at least partially atone for my guilt and give all the undiminished maternal love. That’s how Viktoria came into our lives – our joy. My husband, however, soon left us; he could never accept a child who wasn’t his, but I bear him no grudge. The most important thing is that I have a daughter.
Nikolay was silent, lowering his eyes. Tamara Petrovna nodded as if accepting his silence, and quietly said the words that were so hard for her to speak:
– You have every right to despise me, Kolya. I’ll understand if you refuse to be a donor. Truly, I’ll understand. It’s enough for me that before I die I learned about you and that you’re doing well. That is true happiness.
The woman didn’t cry, but in her eyes Nikolay saw so much pain that he hastily turned toward the window, pretending to look at something outside. It was unbearably painful for him. He had never suspected that he was raised in a non-biological family. No one – neither close nor distant relatives – had ever given him any reason to doubt his origins.
The first impulse was to call his parents, but why worry them? They would always be his dearest people.
A heavy silence hung over the cozy kitchen, filled with unspoken questions. Nikolay said goodbye and was about to leave when he ran into Viktoria in the doorway. She didn’t want him to leave and insisted:
– No, you must have dinner with us. I know for sure you’re hungry!
Unable to refuse the girl he liked so much, Kolya agreed. While Viktoria was preparing dinner, he quietly said to Tamara Petrovna:
– I think it would be better if we keep this story a secret. For everyone, you will remain the mother of the girl who is dear to me. I will consider as my parents those who raised me.
The woman nodded, embraced him, and whispered:
– Thank you, my son.
At dinner, Viktoria noticed some tension but attributed it to the nervousness before the upcoming operation.
Nikolay continued dating Viktoria, growing ever more attached to her. Tamara Petrovna, watching over her son and adopted daughter, rejoiced for them. She hoped that life would never force them to face a difficult choice.
Before the operation, Kolya handed over the management of the firm to the new chief accountant, an old friend of Tamara Petrovna:
– I won’t be around for about a week. If there’s anything urgent, call me. I’ll call back as soon as I’m free.
– Don’t worry, Nikolay Sergeyevich! – the chief accountant assured him. – Everything will be fine!
The doctors assured him that the procedure was safe, but Viktoria was extremely anxious for both her mom and Kolya, whose feelings grew deeper by the day.
To everyone’s relief, everything went successfully. Tamara Petrovna gradually recovered, and six months after the operation, when her health had strengthened, Nikolay proposed to Viktoria, and she accepted.
They decided to invite only a few guests: a few of the bride’s friends, her mom, and, of course, the groom’s parents. Tamara Petrovna was nervous about meeting the people who had raised her son. She felt that they might somehow uncover the secret. But the meeting was warm and joyful.
At the wedding, the groom’s parents delivered heartfelt words, and then an emotional Tamara Petrovna took the microphone:
– My dear ones! I congratulate you on this day. I wish that your love and loyalty to one another last until the end of your days.
Her voice trembled. Approaching the newlyweds, she handed them a gift.
While the couples swayed during a slow dance, Sofia entered the hall in a short white dress with a veil. Stumbling, she headed straight for the newlyweds and began shouting:
– Stop the wedding! This bride is a fake! I’m the one who should be in her place! Kolya, you were the first to meet me!
The guests froze. Sergey Leonidovich quickly reacted and tried to lead the girl away, but an intoxicated Sofia ramped up her antics even more:
– I’m not going anywhere! Kolya, let’s spend our first wedding night right here!
– Sonya, please leave! – Kolya pleaded, but she paid no heed.
Tamara Petrovna noticed that one of the waiters was recording the scene and said:
– It’d be better if someone helped get her out!
The wedding ended without further incident, but the next morning, the video of Sofia causing a scene went viral. However, the newfound popularity brought her no joy.
It was impossible to step outside without someone noticing her and exclaiming:
– Look, it’s that girl from the wedding who made a scene!
Sonya sat in the kitchen complaining to her friend through tear-streaked cheeks:
– Look, Inga, I ended up with nothing. How could I have thought that Kolya was just pretending to be a cleaner?
– Well, dear, – Inga sighed, though she actually felt no sympathy for Sonya.
Kolya and Viktoria soon forgot about the wedding incident. They were too busy enjoying their family life and dreaming of a child to delight their loved ones.
Eventually, during a walk, Kolya asked:
– Sofia, what is your educational background?
The girl slightly scrunched her nose:
– My parents insisted I study economics, even though I always dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. I run a fashion blog now, but it’s mostly for passion; it hardly makes any money.
Taking advantage of the moment, Nikolay proposed:
– Listen, I heard that the firm where I work is looking for a deputy director of HR. I think you’d be perfect for it. If you’d like, I can find out where to send your resume.
Although Sofia was inwardly thrilled at the prospect, she pretended to agree reluctantly:
– Well, why not? I’ll give it a try.
After parting from Nikolay more tenderly than usual, Sofia, once home, immediately called Inga:
– Imagine, they might hire me at the same firm where Kolya works! And not just any job, but a high position!
– Oh, Sonya, don’t believe him. How can a cleaner get you a job? He just wants to hook you up, – Inga replied skeptically.
– And don’t be jealous, – Sofia snapped and ended the call.
Not knowing that she was following the actual owner’s orders, Nellie Vasilievna sent Sofia an interview invitation for the deputy director position, albeit with a mandatory two-month internship.
Overjoyed by the letter, Sofia greeted Nikolay with a flurry of kisses when they met:
– Kolya, my sunshine! I got the job! I start tomorrow. It’s just an incredible stroke of luck!
Yet she didn’t mention in the slightest that she had gotten the position thanks to Nikolay. That hurt him a bit, especially when Sofia requested:
– Just, please, Kolya, don’t tell anyone that we know each other.
He held back a bitter smile and nodded:
– Of course, subordination and all that.
– You’re such a smart guy! – Sofia exclaimed enthusiastically as she kissed him.
After Sofia’s hiring, she seemed to forget Nikolay entirely. She made up with Inga so she’d have someone to go shopping with, and during one of those outings, she shared her plans:
– I’ll settle into this job, and then sort out my personal life. I’ll find myself a rich man.
– And what about Kolya? – asked Inga.
– Why would I need a cleaner? I now have so many opportunities, it’s just wow!
– Well, good for you, – Inga approved. – Just don’t forget about me, okay? We’re best friends!
Nikolay noticed how Sofia’s attitude towards him had changed. She pretended not to know him and even publicly scolded him a couple of times. He endured it, hoping that she would come to her senses, but to no avail.
Sofia quickly found a rapport with the Deputy Commercial Director and the head of HR. Unpleasant changes started in the company: a system of fines was introduced, and Sofia began actively influencing personnel decisions.
Observing all this, Nikolay realized that his little experiment as a cleaner had yielded unexpected results. Now he had not only to restore order in the company but also to deal with those who, abusing their positions, were dismantling what he had so painstakingly built.
Kolya remained calm as he noticed Inga in the office corridor. The girl walked by, demonstratively ignoring his presence. Soon, other friends of Sonya appeared, turning working hours into a continuous stream of gossip over a cup of tea.
On a phone call, Kolya shared his observations with his father:
– It’s amazing to observe the metamorphosis of such a modest girl. Beneath her angelic exterior hides a completely different person.
– Power is a serious test that not everyone can handle gracefully, – agreed Sergey Leonidovich.
– The worst part is that so many people are attracted to that kind of power. Idlers who flatter Sonya flourish, while real workers are forced to shoulder the entire burden.
– Alas, such a scene is all too common, – his father sighed. – Aren’t you planning to reveal your true identity? I think the time has come!
– Just a little longer. I want to observe one of the trainee managers.
– Be careful, Kolya! The longer you delay, the harder it will be to fix things!
– Alright, Dad. Give my regards to Mom! – he hurriedly ended the conversation.
His reflections were not unfounded. The day before, he had witnessed an unpleasant episode. Sofia was reprimanding a trainee:
– Viktoria! The absence of a dress code is only temporary. I’m working on uniforms for the staff! You represent the company, and your appearance leaves much to be desired!
Later, Kolya himself was admonished:
– Why is the floor wet? How many times must I repeat the rules about cleanliness and safety?
Watching everything unfold, Nikolay often wanted to reveal himself, but he was curious about how far Sofia would go with her cronies and who among the staff was truly worth keeping.
Vika was different. One day she handed him a package:
– Here. These materials are perfect for cleaning. They absorb moisture quickly.
To his surprise, the gift actually proved effective. That evening, Kolya caught up with the girl at a bus stop:
– Where did you get such knowledge about cleaning?
– In the mornings, I clean apartments; in the evenings, I clean building entrances. My mother is ill, and I need money for her treatment, – Viktoria explained sadly.
The next morning he brought her some apples:
– My parents sent these. Homegrown, very tasty.
The girl blushed but accepted the gift.
Gradually, Kolya started driving Viktoria home. During one ride, she confessed:
– Kolya, I accidentally found out about the plans of Sofia Semyonovna and the deputy. They’re plotting a financial scam to bankrupt the company and sell it off to competitors for a pittance. How can we alert the director?
– Don’t worry. I’ll ensure the information gets to the right people.
In the midst of critical negotiations, Nikolay entered the office:
– Enough, Sofia. The game is over.
– How dare you?! Get out before I call security! – she shrieked.
After Nikolay identified himself, silence fell over the office.
– Sofia, you’re fired. I’m appointing Viktoria in your place. Nellie Vasilievna will also leave the HR department. All the paperwork will be processed tomorrow.
Sofia decided to take revenge. Managing to obtain Viktoria’s mother’s phone number, she called:
– Tamara Petrovna, this is the lab calling. We’ve received your test results.
– What’s wrong?
– The results are bad. Right now, you can’t afford to be ill. Even a cold might be fatal.
– How much time do I have left?
– No more than a month, judging by a similar case.
Her malicious scheme worked. Tamara Petrovna was admitted to the hospital. Viktoria, upon learning this at work, barely managed to hold back tears and approached the director…
– My mom was urgently hospitalized – her blood pressure skyrocketed… May I go see her?
– Of course. Let me drive you, okay?
Viktoria accepted the offer, and despite her dejected state, explained:
– It’s extremely dangerous for my mom to be in the hospital. She has numerous ailments, but the most serious is that she needs a bone marrow transplant. We’re searching for a donor, but so far without success.
Nikolay was taken aback:
– Can’t you be the donor?
The girl replied shyly:
– I’d do anything for my mom, but I’m powerless here. Not out of fear. My mom adopted me. She hoped for a miracle that my test results would match. But no. You understand, Nikolay, it’s terrible – to feel completely helpless. The donor bank is small, and the queue is huge. Even if a suitable donor is found, there’s no guarantee that the operation will be performed on my mom rather than on someone who pays.
So moved by her sorrow, Nikolay spontaneously offered:
– Listen, call me “you.” And you know what? I’m ready to take the test too, just in case. Just tell me where to go and whom to contact. Perhaps, at least partially, our parameters will match.
– Of course! I’ll write down everything in detail: where to go, whom to contact. I’m ready to seize any opportunity.
Encouragingly, Nikolay shook her hand:
– Keep hoping for the best!
The test results shocked Nikolay. It turned out that he could indeed be a donor for Viktoria’s mother. The doctor’s technical terms were complicated, but eventually the specialist explained:
– Based on certain indicators, it is possible to confidently say that there is a clear familial relationship between you and the potential recipient.
Shocked, Kolya politely said goodbye to the doctor. The information seemed too incredible. He wanted to call his parents, but suddenly fear struck him. What if there was an error, and there was no relation at all? Why then disturb his parents?
Kolya knew that Viktoria was anxiously awaiting news. Sitting on a bench, he called the girl, briefly relayed the positive result, and asked for permission to come over. He didn’t want to discuss such complex matters over the phone.
– Oh, Kolya, thank you so much for the wonderful news! I’m at the pharmacy right now; I’ll be home in about an hour, but please do come – my mom will be very happy!
And so it happened. When Nikolay pressed the intercom button, the door opened immediately. Evidently, Viktoria had already shared the good news. Perhaps Tamara Petrovna was watching from the window, ready to welcome her potential savior. A joyful voice rang out:
– Kolya, hello! Please come in!
The lady was bustling about in the kitchen, offering refreshments, but Kolya declined and immediately got down to serious business.
– You already know the good news, but I have an unexpected question. The doctor mentioned that we share a close blood relation. I was so taken aback that I forgot to ask – is there any possibility of an error?
Tamara Petrovna gasped. She covered her mouth with her hand, reached out to Kolya, then quickly retracted as if afraid of causing pain.
Lowering herself onto a chair, the woman was silent for a while, gathering her strength, then in a hoarse voice said:
– I don’t think there’s been an error. I feel both joy and shame at the same time. It seems you are my son, the one I once betrayed… Many years ago, when I was a freshman, I came from a small settlement where my aunt raised me, to this big city, convinced that I had found my happiness. When a handsome cadet showed interest in me, my head spun. But that magical fairy tale quickly turned into a sad story. As soon as he learned of my pregnancy, he declared that it was solely my problem. Of course, that doesn’t excuse me, but I was young and foolish. I spent countless sleepless nights pondering what to do, yet every option seemed worse than the last.
In the end, I barely passed my exams. Many professors pitied me and gave me automatic marks. My dorm mates all left for home, and I, left alone, prepared for the birth. I was terrified of being discovered, didn’t want to go to the hospital. I disinfected a pair of scissors, ironed the swaddling cloths on both sides as I’d heard was needed, gathered everything, and went to a summer cottage of one of my classmates. I knew the cottage was occupied and where the key was hidden. I also knew that the family had gone abroad for vacation. When the contractions began, I tried not to cry out. I don’t know where I found the strength and knowledge to act, but a beautiful baby was born – you, Kolya. I swaddled you as best as I could. I rested a little. I carefully put you away. I decided to return to the dormitory. I thought about asking to stay there, even if only as a technician. I understood that the chances of raising you well were almost nil. On my way back, I saw – the cottage was occupied. A light was on in a room, and through the uncurtained window I saw a young couple. I don’t know how I mustered the courage, but in desperation, I crept to the gate. I placed you on the doorstep and threw a small stone through the window. I hoped that you’d at least be taken to a children’s hospital, and I quickly left the area. After all, it was peak season, and who would notice. I reached the dormitory and spent several years living in fear, expecting punishment for what I had done, yet retribution never came.
I finished my studies, earned my diploma, and not a day passed without thoughts of you. Later I married, but couldn’t conceive. The ordeal of a home birth and my refusal of medical help came back to haunt me – fate punished me for abandoning you. I argued with my husband for a long time, but eventually I decided to adopt a child from an orphanage. I wanted to partially atone for my guilt and give all the unspent maternal love. That’s how Viktoria came into our lives – our joy. My husband, however, soon left us; he could never accept a child who wasn’t his, but I do not resent him. The most important thing is that I have a daughter.
Nikolay was silent, his eyes downcast. Tamara Petrovna nodded as if accepting his silence, and softly said words that she struggled to utter:
– You have every right to despise me, Kolya. I’ll understand if you refuse to be a donor. Truly, I’ll understand. It’s enough for me that before I die I learn that you are well. That is true happiness.
The woman didn’t cry, but in her eyes Nikolay saw so much pain that he hastily turned to the window, pretending to look at something outside. It was unbearably hard for him. He had never suspected that he was raised in a non-biological family. No one—neither close nor distant relatives—had ever given him reason to doubt his origins.
His first impulse was to call his parents, but why trouble them? They would always be his dearest people.
A heavy silence settled in the cozy kitchen, filled with unspoken questions. Nikolay said his goodbyes and was about to leave when he encountered Viktoria in the doorway. She didn’t want to let him go and insisted:
– No, you must have dinner with us. I know you’re hungry!
Unable to refuse the girl he cared for so much, Kolya agreed. While Viktoria prepared dinner, he quietly said to Tamara Petrovna:
– I think it’s best if we keep this story a secret. For everyone, you will remain the mother of the girl who is dear to me. I will consider as my parents those who raised me.
The woman nodded, embraced him, and whispered:
– Thank you, my son.
At dinner, Viktoria noted some tension but attributed it to the nervousness before the upcoming operation.
Nikolay continued dating Viktoria, growing increasingly attached to her. Tamara Petrovna, watching over her son and adopted daughter, rejoiced for them. She hoped that life would never force them to face a difficult choice.
Before the operation, Kolya handed over the management of the firm to the new chief accountant, an old friend of Tamara Petrovna:
– I won’t be around for about a week. If anything urgent comes up, call me. I’ll call back as soon as I’m free.
– Don’t worry, Nikolay Sergeyevich! – the chief accountant assured him. – Everything will be fine!
The doctors assured him that the procedure was safe, but Viktoria was extremely anxious for both her mother and Kolya, whose feelings only grew deeper.
To everyone’s relief, everything went smoothly. Tamara Petrovna gradually recovered, and six months after the operation, once her health had improved, Nikolay proposed to Viktoria, and she accepted.
They decided to invite only a few guests: a few of the bride’s friends, her mother, and, of course, the groom’s parents. Tamara Petrovna was nervous about meeting the people who had raised her son. She felt that they might somehow uncover the secret. But the meeting was warm and joyful.
At the wedding, the groom’s parents delivered heartfelt words, and then an emotional Tamara Petrovna stepped up to the microphone:
– My dear ones! I congratulate you on this day. I wish that your love and loyalty to each other endure until the end of your days.
Her voice trembled. Approaching the newlyweds, she handed them a gift.
As the couples swirled in a slow dance, Sofia entered the hall in a short white dress and veil. Stumbling, she made her way to the newlyweds and began shouting:
– Stop the wedding! This bride is a fraud! I’m the one who should be in her place! Kolya, you were the first to meet me!
The guests froze. Sergey Leonidovich quickly took charge and tried to lead the girl away, but an intoxicated Sofia escalated her antics even more:
– I’m not going anywhere! Kolya, let’s spend our first wedding night right here!
– Sonya, please leave! – Kolya pleaded, but she ignored him.
Tamara Petrovna noticed that one of the waiters was recording the incident and said:
– It’d be better if someone helped get her out!
The wedding ended without further incident, but the next morning, a video of Sofia causing a scene went viral. However, the popularity brought her no joy.
It was impossible to step outside without someone noticing her and exclaiming:
– Look, it’s that girl from the wedding who made a scene!
Sonya sat in the kitchen, complaining to her friend through tearful sobs:
– Look, Inga, I ended up with nothing. How could I have thought that Kolya was just pretending to be a cleaner?
– Oh well, dear, – Inga sighed, though she truly felt no sympathy for Sonya.
Kolya and Viktoria soon forgot about the wedding incident. They were not bothered by it. They enjoyed their married life and dreamed of a child to bring joy to their families.