When puppies come into the world, they are fragile little creatures who depend on their mama. They need her selfless love and care in order to survive.
The following story is about four newborn fur babies who found themselves all alone in a forest, lying on a pile of leaves and trembling with cold. They missed their mom, and they kept crying for her as loud as they could.
A man who went to the forest to collect firewood heard some whimpering sounds. He looked around, but didn’t see anyone.
After following the sounds, he discovered the four crying newborn puppies. The man was deeply saddened.
Hungry and cold, the little babies hoped to feel their mother’s warm and loving embrace again.
Newborn Babies Receive Constant Care

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Source: Rescue Mission HT
The kind-hearted man spent two hours waiting for the mama dog to return to her babies. After realizing that she wasn’t coming back, he placed the puppies into a cardboard box and took them home.
He prepared them a place to stay, and he rushed to the store to buy them milk and other necessary things the babies needed.

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Source: Rescue Mission HT
After the man returned home, he made the milk and bottle-fed the hungry puppies.
In order to keep them warm, the puppies’ rescuer turned on the heater. The puppies felt safe and cozy, and they quickly fell asleep.