1. What is the Lao Bean?
Lao Bean is a special product of the Northwest region, used by the H’Mong people since ancient times. Lao Bean belongs to the legume family with the scientific name Mucuna Gigantea (Willd.) DG.
2. Description of Lao Bean?
Lao Bean is a climbing vine, up to 80m long, red, hairy. The leaflets are oval-shaped, the underside is hairier than the top. Flowers grow in leaf axils, in clusters, purple. The long S-shaped fruit (5-8cm) is covered with velvety hairs.
3. Where does Lao Bean live?
Lao Bean lives mainly in Southeast Asia and West Asia. In Vietnam, the tree grows mainly in Quang Binh and the mountainous areas of the Northwest.
4. Uses of Lao Bean?
Lao Bean is used in folk medicine, and its uses are also folk, no book has recorded its uses. Below are some reference uses that you can review.
– Suck venom from poisonous snakes, poisonous centipedes and other poisonous insects.
– Suppress and shrink boils and boils effectively.
– Treat cases of being bitten by wild dogs and cats.
– Folk often use the roots in the form of decoction or soaked in wine, to treat pain and insomnia.